Ionian Islands under Venetian rule

Ixołe Jonie
Ιόνιοι Νήσοι
Ionian Islands
Colony of the Republic of Venice
13631 – 1797
The Ionian Islands in green. Map of 1785, when the Islands where still part of the Venetian Republic.
Capital Corfu
Historical era Middle Ages
 - Fourth Crusade 1202–1204
 - First Ottoman–Venetian War  
 - Second Ottoman–Venetian War  
 - Treaty of Passarowitz 1718
 - Invasion of Venice 1792–1797
 - Treaty of Campo Formio 17 October 1797
1 Each island became part of the Empire in different dates. 1363 refers to Cythera and Anticythera.

The Ionian Islands were a maritime and overseas possession of the Republic of Venice from the mid-14th until the 18th century. The conquest of the islands took place gradually. The first to be captured was Cythera and the neighboring islet of Anticythera, in 1363. Twenty-three years later, Corfu voluntarily became part of Venice's colonies. Following a century, Venice captured Zante in 1485, Cephalonia in 1500 and Ithaca in 1503. The conquest was completed in 1718 with the capture of Lefkada. Each of the islands remained part of the Venetian Stato da Màr until Napoleon Bonaparte dissolved the Republic of Venice in 1797. The Ionian Islands are situated in the Ionian Sea, off the west coast of Greece. Cythera, the southernmost, is just off the southern tip of the Peloponnese and Corfu, the northernmost, is located at the entrance of the Adriatic Sea. In modern Greek, the period of Venetian rule over Greek territory is known as Venetokratia or Enetokratia (Modern Greek: Βενετοκρατία or Ενετοκρατία) and literally means "rule of the Venetians".[1] It is believed that the Venetian period on the Ionian Islands was agreeable, especially compared with the coinciding Turkish rule over other parts of present-day Greece.[2]

The governor of the Ionian Islands during the Venetian period was the Provveditore generale da Mar, who resided on Corfu. Additionally, each island's authorities were divided into the Venetian and the domestic authorities. The economy of the islands was based on exporting local goods, primarly raisins, olive oil and wine, whereas Venetian lira, the currency of Venice, was also the currency of the islands. Some features of the culture of Venice were incorporated in the culture of the Ionian Islands. Italian language, for instance, which was introduced on the islands as the official language and was adopted by the upper class, is still popular today throughout the islands.


Relations between Venice and Byzantium

After the Fall of the Western Roman Empire, of which Venice was a part, Justinian I reconquered Venice and incorporated it into the Eastern Roman Empire's Exarchate of Ravenna.[3] The political centre of the exarchate, and the most senior military officials of the Empire, were situated in Ravenna.[4][5] The subordinate military officials who were their representatives in the Venetian lagoons were called tribunes, and only in about AD 697 were the lagoons made a separate military command under a dux (doge).[6] Notwithstanding the election of the first Doge, vassalic evidence such us honours and orders received by the doge from the Emperor implies that Venice was considered part of the Byzantine Empire even after the capture of Ravenna by the Lombards.[7] Despite the Pax Nicephori (803), which recognised Venice as Byzantine territory, the influence of the Eastern Roman Emperor slowly faded away.[7] By 814 Venice functioned as a fully independent republic.[8] Even so, Venice became a partner of the Empire and trading privileges were granted to it by the Emperors via treaties,[9] such as the Byzantine–Venetian Treaty of 1082.

The Fourth Crusade (1202–1204) was initially intended to invade Muslim-controlled areas; instead, the Crusaders attacked the capital of the Byzantine Empire, Constantinople, resulting in the temporary dissolution of the empire and the sack of its capital.[10] As Venice was one of the participants in the Crusade its relations with the Byzantine Empire were strained during this period.[11] Moreover, by styling himself "Lord of one-quarter and one-eighth of the whole Empire of Romania" after the Crusade, the Doge of Venice at that time, Enrico Dandolo contributed to the deterioration of the relations between the two states.[11][12] Efforts to improve relations, for example through the Nicaean–Venetian Treaty of 1219, proved unsuccessful.[13] A period of friendly relations only followed the Sicilian Vespers in 1282, when Venice, foreseeing the fall of Charles, the French King of Sicily, began forming closer relations with Byzantium.[14] Venice had been bound by an alliance with Charles against Byzantium in 1281.[14]


The Islands were referred to, both individually and collectively, by various names. After Venice had recaptured Cephalonia in 24 December 1500, the administration of the defense of all the islands was delegated to an official seated in Corfu. This official was being referred to as "the General Provveditore of the Three Islands" (Provveditore Generale delle Tre Isole).[15] The Three Islands refer to Corfu, Zante and Cephalonia.[15] The Venetian equivalent for "Ionian Islands" is Ixołe Jonie, the Italian being Isole Ionie and the Greek Ιόνια Νησιά in Modern Greek and Ἰόνιοι Νῆσοι in Katharevousa.

Below are the seven principal islands from north to south, including their Greek and Italian names in parentheses:

Cythera and Lefkada were additionally called Çuha Adası or Çuka Adası and Ayamavra respectively by the Ottomans.[20][21]


Roman and Byzantine period

During the Roman Empire, the Ionian Islands were variously part of the provinces of Achaea and Epirus vetus.[22] These would form, with the exception of Cythera, the Byzantine theme of Cephallenia in the late 8th century.[23] From the late 11th century, the Ionian Islands became a battleground in the Byzantine–Norman Wars. The island of Corfu was held by the Normans in 1081–1085 and 1147–1149, while the Venetians unsuccessfully besieged it in 1122–1123. The island of Cephalonia was also unsuccessfully besieged in 1085, but was plundered in 1099 by the Pisans and in 1126 by the Venetians.[24] Finally, Corfu and the rest of the theme, except for Lefkada, were captured by the Normans under William II of Sicily in 1185. Although Corfu was recovered by the Byzantines by 1191, the other islands henceforth remained lost to Byzantium, and formed a County palatine of Cephalonia and Zakynthos under William's Greek admiral Margaritus of Brindisi.[25][26]

Count Palatine Dynasties of Cephalonia and Zakynthos

The Frankokratia

Following the Fourth Crusade and the signature of the Partitio terrarum imperii Romaniae, Corfu came under Venetian rule.[27] In 1207 though, doge Pietro Ziani ceded the island as a feudum to ten Venetian nobles, provided that they demonstrate loyalty and devotion and that they pay taxes.[28] Corfu passed in the hands of the Despotate of Epirus around 1214, and was captured in 1257 by Manfred of Sicily, who put his admiral Philippe Chinard there in charge of his eastern possessions. Nonetheless, with the defeat of Manfred at Benevento and the signature of the Treaty of Viterbo on 27 May 1267, Corfu became a possession of the Angevin Kingdom of Naples.[29] Meanwhile the rest of the islands continued to form part of the County palatine,[30][31] which throughout its existence was governed by three families: the Orsini family, the House of Anjou and the Tocco family.[32] The rule of the family of Tocco lasted for 122 years, up until 1479, when Ottomans captured Cephalonia, Zante, Lefkada and Ithaca.[32]

The Venetian conquest

On 13 February 1386 Corfu became once more a Venetian possession and this time Venetian rule would last until the end of the Republic.[33] This was accomplished voluntary by the people of Corfu.[34] On 10 May, the Corfiotes appointed five ambassadors to submit to the Venetian senate.[33] The Ottomans made several attempts to capture Corfu, the first of which was in 1537.[35] This attack led Venice to an alliance with the Pope and Emperor Charles V., known as the Holy League, against the Ottoman Empire.[36] Another major unsuccessful Ottoman attack was that of July 1716.[37]

After the partition of the Byzantine Empire in 1204, Cythera fell into Venetian hands; Venice sent there Marco Venier in 1207.[38] Cythera and Anticythera constituted part of the Stato da Mar for the first time in 1363 followed by an interruption of a three-year Turkish rule, between 1715 and 1718.[39] With the Treaty of Passarowitz Cythera and Anticythera passed to the Venetian Republic and remained under its control until its fall, in 1797.[40]

The Turkish rule in the three islands of Cephalonia, Zante and Ithaca was short-lived. In 1481, two years after the beginning of the Turkish rule, Antonio Tocco invaded and briefly occupied Cephalonia and Zante but he was soon driven out by the Venetians.[41] Zante was officially recovered by the Venetians in 1485.[42][43][44] Then, Cephalonia, after sixteen years of Turkish occupation (1484–1500), became part of the Stato da Mar on 24 December 1500, with the Siege of Saint George.[43][44] Finally, Ithaca, following the fate of Cephalonia, was conquered by Venice in 1503.[45]

Lefkada, part of the Despotate of Epirus since the latter's foundation in 1205, was incorporated by Leonardo I Tocco into the County of Cephalonia in 1362.[46] The Despotate of Epirus was one of the three Byzantine Empires in exile created after the Fourth Crusade in 1204.[47] Following the fate of the other central Ionian Islands, it was captured by the Turks in 1479 and then by the Venetians in 1502.[32][48] However, Venetian rule did not last, as Lefkada was given back to the Ottoman Empire one year later.[49] Turkish rule over Lefkada lasted for over 200 years, from 1479 to 1684, when Francesco Morosini attacked and subdued the island during the Morean War.[50] Lefkada, however, did not become officially Venetian until 1718, with the signature of the Treaty of Passarowitz.[51]

Dissolution of the Republic and aftermath

Napoleon Bonaparte declared war against Venice on the 3rd of May.[52] The signing of the Treaty of Campo Formio, on the 17th October 1797, marked the dissolution of the Republic of Venice and the sharing of its territories between France and Austria.[53] The lands of the Terraferma up to the River Adige, the city itself and the possessions of the Balkan peninsula of Istria and Dalmatia were yielded to Austria.[54] The Ionian Islands, part of Venetian maritime territories, were ceded to France.[55] Napoleon organized the islands into three departments: Corcyre, Ithaque, and Mer-Égée.[56][57] The first included the islands of Corfu and Paxos, as well as the former Venetian settlements of Butrint and Parga situated in Epirus.[57] The second department was formed by the islands of Cephalonia, Ithaca and Lefkada whereas Zante and Cerigo were part of the third department.[58] The French rule, however, did not last as Russia allied with the Ottoman Empire in September 1798 and in 1799 a Russo-Ottoman naval expedition captured the islands.[59] With the signing of a treaty between Russia and the Porte on 21 March 1800, an independent island republic under the protection of both the empires was established.[60] The name of the new state was agreed to be the "Septinsular Republic" and included all the territories of the three former French departments except for the continental possessions of Parga, Preveza, Vonitsa and Butrint.[61] With the Treaty of Tilsit in 1807, the seven islands were given back to France by Russia.[62] In October 1809, Great Britain took possession of all the islands with the exception of Corfu, which was only surrendered in 1814.[63][64] In 1815, the Ionian Islands became a British protectorate under the name United States of the Ionian Islands.[61]


The civil and military governor of the Ionian Islands was the Provveditore generale da Mar, who lived on Corfu and had the supreme command of the armed Venetian fleet. In the early days of Venetian rule, he was elected only in case of need and on several occasions in peacetime, the Provveditore generale da Mar was appointed as Provveditore generale delle tre Isole, "Provveditore generale of the three Islands".[65]

Authorities in the islands were divided into two types: the Venetian ones, occupied by Venetians and represented the sovereign state and its political and military power over the Islands, and the domestic authorities, which were appointed by the Communal Council (Consiglio della Comunità).[66] The Venetians were appointed by the Great Council of Venice. There were three officials constituting the reggimento ("regime") of each island.[67] The head of the reggimento had the title of Provveditore in all the islands except for Corfu, where he was called Bailo.[68] The title could only be held by a nobleman.[69] The subordinate Venetian officials were the consiglieri, two on each island, who performed administrative and judicial functions along with the Provveditore of each island.[70] The Provveditore 's responsibilities also included security from hostile raids, taxation, religious and other issues.[71]

In Corfu the Venetian officials included a Bailo, a Provveditore and a Capitano, two Consiglieri, a Capitano della cittadella and a Castellano della fortezza. In Cephalonia and Zante there were only one Provveditore and two Consiglieri.[65] When Lefkada was incorporated a Provveditore ordinario and a Provveditore straordinario became the respresentatives of Venice on the island,[65] although, in 1595, another provveditore was appointed to the Fortress of Asso.[72] In Cythera the reggimento included both a Provveditore and a castellano.[73] The domestic authorities comprised both a Consiglio Maggiore and a Consiglio Minore composed of members of the local aristocracy.[69]

There were ten fortresses throughout the islands, with one on each island serving as its capital.[72] On Corfu, however, there were three fortresses; two in the town of Corfu and the Angelokastro.[72] On Cephalonia there were two, the castle of St. George or the Fortress of Cefalonia and the Fortress of Asso in the northern part.[72][74]


The Ionian economy during the Venetian period was largely based on exporting local products.[75] The most important of the agricultural products of Corfu was olive oil.[76] On the islands of Cephallonia and Zante the main exports were raisins, olive oil and wine.[77][78] One of the most significant exports was olive oil. Groves of olive trees were planted throughout the islands during the Venetian period as olive oil was important to Venice's economy.[79] Although the production of it was successful, the Republic only allowed exportation to Venice.[79] Statistics for the years 1766-1770 indicate 1,905,917 olive trees on Corfu, 113,161 on Zante, 38,516 on Cephalonia, 44,146 on Lefkada and 31,884 on Cythera.[80]

Nevertheless, raisin exports were the most important export of the islands during the Venetian rule. By the early 18th century Zante, Cephalonia, and part of Ithaca had become a major centre of the currant trade.[81] Because of the fierce competition in the raisin trade between Venice and the United Kingdom, Venice prohibited the free export of raisins from the islands.[82] Another measure was the nuova imposta, a heavy export tax for foreign ships.[83]

The currency of the islands during Venetian rule was the Venetian lira, as in Venice.[84] There was a special issue for the Islands; the observe side of it has the complete or shertened inscription CORFU/CEFALONIA/ZANTE in three lines. The reserve depicts the winged and haloed lion of Saint Marc in a front view, holding the book of the Gospel in his fore-paws.[85] The Ionian Islands formed part of the Venetian maritime trade route to the Orient.[86]


When the central Ionian Islands were captured by Venice their population was very low and Ithaca was completely uninhabited.[87] To address this problem, a small colonisation to the islands took place. Catholic Italians from Terraferma and Orthodox Greeks from the Stato da Mar were transferred to the islands as part of the colonisation.[88] Τhe population eventually increased: in 1765-1766 it had reached 111,439; in 1780, the population was 150,908.[89] Forteen years later, there were 155,770 inhabitants throughout the islands.[89]

These are some figures concerning the population of each island during the Venetian period:[90]

Island 1470 1500 1528 1532 1568 1583 1675 1684 1760 1766
Corfu 14,246 19,221 20,000 44,333
Paxos 4,150
Lefkada 9,000 12,000 11,760
Ithaca 300 2,500
Cephalonia 14,000 25,543 21,659
Zante 17,255 14,054 25,000 25,325
Cythera 500 6,000 6,183

Language and education

During the Venetian period all public acts were drawn up in the Venetian language,[91] the official language of the Government.[92] Greek remained spoken by the peasantry whereas Venetian was adopted by the upper class and it was generally preferred within the towns.[93] Thus, the Venetian language became, if not the dominant language of the Ionians, at least the most common one.[94] The Venetians did little in the area of education,[95] mainly due to the fact that schooling was not a responsibility of the state at that time in Europe but a private matter.[96] Some authors believe that this was done intentionally by Venice, as part of its colonial policy.[97] People belonging to the upper classes were more likely to be educated and to have studied in an Italian university, usually that of Padua.[98][99]


Venetians, being Catholics, retained the privileges enjoyed by the Latin bishopric of the islands under the Count Palatine Dynasties.[100] The Catholics were not numerous, and during the Venetian period, they were mainly concentrated in Corfu and Cephalonia.[101] Most of them were descendants of Italian settlers but there were some conversions by Greeks to Catholicism.[102] According to the law, Greek Orthodox priests and monks had to accept the Catholics as their superiors,[102] though the Venetians placed the interests of the Republic ahead of those of the Papacy.[100] Mixed marriages between Catholic and Orthodox Christians were allowed.[101] These two were the main factors in the decline of Roman Catholicism in the Islands.[101][103]

Jews were also a native religious group to the Islands during the Venetian period. They were even fewer in number than the Catholics; in 1797 the number of Jews in Corfu appears to have been only two thousand.[104] Jewish presence in Corfu can be traced since the times of the Principality of Taranto.[105] In Cephalonia, there is evidence of Jewish habitation in the old capital, the Castle of St. George, since the early 17th century.[106] When the capital of the island was transferred to Argostoli the Jews resettled there.[107]

Social structure

The social structure of the islands followed that of Venice. The whole population was divided into three classes: the nobles (nobili), the bourgeoisie (citadini) and the common people (populari).[108]


Throughout Venice's old possessions, but above all in the Ionian islands, the memory of the Republic is deeply rooted in the population, who recall it with a shade of nostalgia even after so much time and so many events.[109] Because of the long Venetian period, the manners and traditions of the inhabitants of the Ionian Islands are a mixture of Greek and Italian.[110] The Venetian influence is illustrated in all aspects of culture and everyday life. In 1800 the Septinsular Republic was established; its flag design was based on the flag of the Republic of Venice.[111] In addition, Italian was the co-official language of both the Septinsular Republic and the United States of the Ionian Islands.[112] Because of its status, Italian was also taught at schools along with Greek and English (Ionian Islands were a protectorate of the United Kingdom from 1815 until 1864).[113] In the First Year of the secondary education, for instance, Greek was taught four times a week, Italian three times and English twice.[113] In the Greek Census of 1907, 4,675 people from the Ionian Islands stated Italian as their mother tongue.[114] The Italian language remains popular on the islands. The Hellenic Union of Eptanisians, a civil non-profit company working for the promotion of the Heptanesian Culture, objected to the decision of the Ministry to abolish the teaching of Italian in schools, saying that "especially for the Ionian Islands the selection of the Italian language has become a tradition for their schools, but also a necessary language because of the many tourists from Italy and other relations e.g. cultural, commercial, etc., of the islands with the country" and they propose "respect for the choice of the children and recognition of their right to learn the language they want and especially the Italian as it's the language with the greatest preference on the Ionian Islands".[115]

See also

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  1. ^ Brame, Saporta, Contreras & Newmeyer, p. 213.
  2. ^ Tsitselis, p. 529.
  3. ^ Thiriet, p. 32.
  4. ^ Mauskopf Deliyannis, p. 278.
  5. ^ Grafton, Most & Settis, p. 806.
  6. ^ Lane, p. 4.
  7. ^ a b Lane, p. 5.
  8. ^ Luttwak, p. 151.
  9. ^ Nicol, p. 16.
  10. ^ Laiou, p. 154.
  11. ^ a b Nicol, p. 66.
  12. ^ Nicol, p. 254.
  13. ^ Novoselova, p. 547.
  14. ^ a b Novoselova, p. 599.
  15. ^ a b Archivio di Stato di Venezia, p. 5.
  16. ^ a b c d Fréchet, Meghraoui & Stucchi, p. 44.
  17. ^ Smyth, p. 53.
  18. ^ Soreide, p. 48.
  19. ^ Macmillan, p. 84.
  20. ^ Davies & Davis, p. 37.
  21. ^ Archivum ottomanicum, p. 240.
  22. ^ Kazhdan, p. 1007.
  23. ^ Zakythinos, p. 529.
  24. ^ Soustal & Koder, p. 56–57, 176.
  25. ^ Kazhdan, p. 1123.
  26. ^ Soustal & Koder, p. 58, 176.
  27. ^ Herrin & Saint-Guillain, p. 82.
  28. ^ Miller, p. 88.
  29. ^ Nicol, p. 401–402.
  30. ^ Tsitselis, p. 400.
  31. ^ Mercati, p. 17-18.
  32. ^ a b c Haberstumpf, p. 57–70.
  33. ^ a b Durrell, p. 95.
  34. ^ Durrell, p. 160.
  35. ^ Black, p. 56.
  36. ^ Isom-Verhaaren, p. 40.
  37. ^ A History of the Ottoman Empire to 1730, p. 210.
  38. ^ Liddell, p. 236.
  39. ^ Maltezou, p. 33.
  40. ^ Miller, p. 633–638.
  41. ^ Babinger, p. 384.
  42. ^ Ward, p. 26.
  43. ^ a b McCabe, Harlaftis & Minoglou, p. 98.
  44. ^ a b Setton, p. 515.
  45. ^ Scammell, p. 119.
  46. ^ Heurtley, p. 57.
  47. ^ Nicol, p. 4.
  48. ^ De Roo, p. 56.
  49. ^ Miller, p. 570–571.
  50. ^ Heurtley, p. 65.
  51. ^ Foreign Office of Great Britain, p. 353.
  52. ^ Alison, p. 283.
  53. ^ Jervis-White-Jervis, p. 159.
  54. ^ Schroeder, p. 171.
  55. ^ Alison, p. 308.
  56. ^ Rodger, p. 88.
  57. ^ a b Rulhière, p. 1.
  58. ^ Rulhière, p. 2.
  59. ^ Schroeder, p. 182.
  60. ^ Pratt, p. 81.
  61. ^ a b The Quarterly review, p. 118.
  62. ^ Xenos, p. 224.
  63. ^ Fleming, p. 114.
  64. ^ Roberts, p. 306.
  65. ^ a b c L'archivio di Stato di Venezia 306 pages
  66. ^ Miller, p. 604.
  67. ^ Dudan, p. 166.
  68. ^ Lunzi, p. 251.
  69. ^ a b Zorzi, p. 136.
  70. ^ Saint-Sauveur, p. 56–63.
  71. ^ Lunzi, p. 102, 150.
  72. ^ a b c d Fréchet, Meghraoui & Stucchi, p. 46.
  73. ^ Pratt, p. 19.
  74. ^ Fortress of Cefalonia
  75. ^ McCabe, Harlaftis & Minoglou, p. 101.
  76. ^ Thiriet, p. 174–189.
  77. ^ Partsch, p. 97–98.
  78. ^ Rulhière, p. 5.
  79. ^ a b The Portfolio, p. 112.
  80. ^ Miller, p. 614.
  81. ^ Christensen, p. 40.
  82. ^ Fusaro, p. 161-168.
  83. ^ Ortalli, p. 205.
  84. ^ Lampros, p. 11.
  85. ^ Lampros, p. 12.
  86. ^ Clayton, p. 19.
  87. ^ Sathas, p. 155.
  88. ^ Konomos, p. 9.
  89. ^ a b Kosmatou, p. 611.
  90. ^ Paparrigopoulos, p. 213.
  91. ^ Brewster, p. 396.
  92. ^ FitzMaurice, p. 39.
  93. ^ Miller, p. 613.
  94. ^ Saint-Sauveur, p. 189–190.
  95. ^ Lunzi, p. 496.
  96. ^ Lane, p. 313.
  97. ^ Davy, p. 31. Chapter 1 Historical Notices on the Ionian Islands and Malta by John Davy: "No people or government better understood the value of the old adage, that knowledge is power, than the Venetians; and the method they pursued to retain the Ionians in ignorance, was strictly in conformity with the rest of their policy"
  98. ^ Lunzi, p. 248.
  99. ^ Augliera, p. 83–84.
  100. ^ a b Miller, p. 208.
  101. ^ a b c Miller, p. 209.
  102. ^ a b Clogg, p. 26.
  103. ^ Young, p. 96.
  104. ^ FitzMaurice, p. 52.
  105. ^ FitzMaurice, p. 47.
  106. ^ Chasiotes, p. 97.
  107. ^ FitzMaurice, p. 53.
  108. ^ Bires & Kardamitse-Adame, p. 32.
  109. ^ Zorzi, p. 229. "In the ancient Venetian kingdoms, above all in the Ionian islands, the memory of the Republic is deeply rooted in the population, who recall it with a shade of nostalgia even after so much time and so many events."
  110. ^ Vaudoncourt & Walton, p. 409.
  111. ^ Smyth, p. 52.
  112. ^ Le tre costituzioni (1800, 1803, 1817) delle Sette Isole Jonie, p. 191.
  113. ^ a b The Quarterly journal of education, p. 83.
  114. ^ 1907 Census of the Kingdom of Greece 387 pages
  115. ^ Press Release for the abolition of the Italian language - Hellenic Union of Eptanisians, 1-8-2011
